How genuine replacement parts protect your investment and your safety

Across a broad range of construction projects, construction hoists are a vital ingredient of the on-site operations. Not only are reliable construction hoists necessary to transport heavy and bulky loads of materials, parts and equipment, but are also often used to transport people and get key trades and personnel where they are needed.

Many construction projects simply cannot continue work without the use of suitable construction hoists which provide all the necessary functionality. When issues arise with vertical access systems, it can have a significant negative impact on timescales and budgets. Even more seriously, a construction hoist that has not been appropriately serviced,maintained and repaired as necessary also presents a safety issue and puts the health of operators, workers and the general public at risk.

Construction hoists also represent a considerable investment in vertical access solutions. This investment is more than worthwhile when well designed equipment suited to your needs delivers the benefits of more efficient and safer working practices over many years. Construction sites, however,present a tough working environment and all machinery will require some level of upkeep in order to continue performing as intended. In order to realise these long term benefits, arranging for an appropriate program of routine maintenance, repairs and replacement of construction hoists parts is paramount.

Where inferior or otherwise unsuitable construction hoist parts are introduced into a carefully and precisely engineered vertical access system, its reliability, functionality and high standards of safety are compromised. This can lead to further breakdowns, downtime, expensive and frustrating delays and, most importantly, greater risk of injury to your people and anyone in the vicinity of the site.

Almiak Service only use genuine replacement construction hoist parts as part of our commitment to ensuring the best possible performance and safety for your valuable vertical access equipment over its entire life cycle.As part of the Alimak Group, we are able to easily access genuine construction hoist parts for the leading products in the industry with access to the engineering and manufacturing excellence of 12 Alimak Group factories in eight different countries. In addition, a global network of 100 service centers provides fast and efficient local coverage to ensure that our highly qualified team can get vital construction hoist parts and qualified technicians where they need to be and keep your builds moving on schedule.

A range of service solutions are available to suit your needs, from standard agreements based on the original equipment manufacturer’s schedule to more comprehensive management packages. Alimak Service can provide a maintenance solution tailored to your requirements, all geared towards helping you protect your investment, your operations and your people’s safety.

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